Battery Chargers
With 30 years experience of construction and production of battery chargers we have excellent knowledge of what is required to charge batteries in harsh environments and demanding applications.
Our chargers can be pre-loaded with different charging profiles depending on the surrounding environment, battery model and actual application/usage. We can also add temperature sensor which som optimize the charging relative to the ambient temperature. Connectors and cables can be customized depending on the demand and we can manufacture specific adapters if required. These are some examples of customizations we offer in order to give our customers the most suitable product for their needs. Not only are we goiod at what we do – we are also good at providing the solution you need.
Here are some of the charger models we offer:
WPC Home/Professional/Outdoor
WPC-laddaren är en fullt automatiserad switchande batteriladdare med laddström upp till 12A och inbyggd loggfunktion. Professional och Outdoor modellerna innehåller 15st olika laddningskurvor för standardapplikationer. Batteriladdaren är byggd i en IP65 klassad robust aluminiumkapsling med inbyggt handtag.